Julie Bogdan

Dr. Julie Bogdan

I’m a passionate, fun loving, free spirited Colorado native. From an early age, I knew that I needed to expand upon my roots in order to bloom. So at 22, I moved to Florida. That’s where I fell in love with the ocean, and discovered the wonder of chiropractic (waitressing is not good for your back!). I received my Bachelors of Science in Human Biology degree and received my Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Logan University in St. Louis. Upon returning to Denver in 1997, I began a private practice and have been increasingly passionate about helping my patients heal ever since. I think outside traditional theories and am fueled by learning new alternative theories and approaches to healing.

I love working with heart-centered individuals. I am innately passionate about connecting with, and understanding you on a deeper lever. I believe the connection to your story helps me intuitively navigate your healing. I try to create a space for you to feel supported as you connect to the courage required to relax into vulnerability and explore your inner realms. This is where true healing begins.

Julie Bogdan


I am not locked into a particular theory. We are all biologically unique. I utilize a variety of approaches to tailor to each individual’s unique healing requirements. I believe that supplements, food protocols, chiropractic adjustments and lifestyle management create a solid foundation.

Julie Bogdan


I’ve always had a knowing—an intuitive sense of others. My mentors taught me to trust intuitive hits and this has helped me assist hundreds of patients to heal.